Tuesday, October 5, 2010

United colors of Benetton ad 1990’s

What we can see in this ad is a black women breastfeeding a white child. Once we see this advertisement we will be shocked and surprised. We will take a little more time to understand its meaning. What will first come on mind is how racist and humiliating this picture is and it will be extremely disturbing because of the way that the black women is represented, it will take us back to the history of slavery where the black women were used by the slave owner to breast feed their white children. But then we will feel like how beautiful this image is. How lovely and touching to see a black woman feeding a white child showing love and nurturing and how color doesn’t matter because we’re truly all human. And maybe after looking at all this we can see a unity or a mixed race marriage. What could be also possible is that this mother married a white man and delivered a white child or this mother adopted a white child. And of course because it’s a clothing ad the point isn’t the woman but that color doesn’t matter we can all buy ucob products. Regardless of race, united colors of Benetton will always take care of our look like the mother is taking care of the child.
And what if a white mother nursing a black child was represented in this ad would it make such a big deal? 

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